tracting...first of all i would like to thanks Charles, Douglas, Josiah, Elaine, Jonanthan, Chermayne, Alister, Sheryn, Charity and of cause I myself who willing to sacrifice their time, energy and beauty (i mean for girls, tract under hot sun)...above all wana to thank God for giving us a wonderful weather...
hahahaaaa...dougee was trying to draw out the map of entire salak south garden...can u all able to read??? (onli genuines person can able to identify it)...i almost at the end of the breifing i can onli visualised it...
dougee separate it into 5 zones...each zone will be cover by 2 persons since we had "gam gam" 10 youth...i presume that our tracting skill is improving and able to cover almost or 95% of salak south residentual area...we even go to sri petaling since there were some left over...
by the way, i hate dogs who keep on barking and also jumping...AFRAID...haha i and elaine saw something interesting, they even "ternak" expensive ducks instead of dogs to guard their tell uguyzz, it know how to "QUAC QUAC" with lifted wing to suuu strangers...
(no photo while tracting...busy maa)
aftermath tracting...
after all tiring work and sweating and smelly body we had, we went to park shock sendiri...we play play and play like no other business under hot go back our little childhood miss it...we banyaka fun fun...
a wonderful and joyful tracting we had...this event teaches me to be kind to church where if we able to help the church in some way, we should be willing to lend our hands to it...