Event: 1st older youth (college group) ICU gathering...
Time: 8.30pm
venue: douglas's vista condominium
attendence: alister (leader), douglas (leader), josiah, elaine, chee wai
Sharing: by douglas
1. what is church???
a) let's meet at church - indicates that the church is a building or a landmark for u to meet
b) let's go to church - indicates going for a service or any other meeting
c) what is ur church - lutheran...etc....
d) we are part of the church - indicates that we are participate in the church as a community
- this is the few definations given by the people around the world regards to the church...
2. church definition according to the bible (1 peter 2: 4-10)
a) church is defined as a group of people who believe in Jesus
b) church is defined as a group of people belong to God
c) hence church = people, therefore church is not equivalent to building
d) e.g. church meet togather to pray and to fellowship with God (do u get it??? cant u can find us we will luv to share it to u)
3. 1 peter 2: 4-8
a) in order to come to Him we need to trust Him...u will always willing to come and share something to someone whom u really trusted (like ur friends and parents) and u will not share anything to a stranger
b) who is those who reject to stone??? those who rejected Jesus...a stone is still a "cheap stone" to them and they never will cherish the stone
c) who is those who receive the stone??? those who accept Jesus...a stone will tranform from a stone to a LIVING STONE in our lives that we will cherish it the most
d) this stone will help us to build a NEW HOUSE
4. 1 peter 2: 9-10
a) we are a royal priesthood - what a privilege we had to be called a ROYAL PRIEST who able to access to God, meet God and to freely enter into HOLY OF HOLIES...
b) we are holy nation - a seperate nation which consist of all believes in the world...a completely different from the people in the world...THE CHOSEN ONE...
c) belonging - we are BELONG to God NOT OURSELVES...that's why u need to take a very good care of urself...u r merely a steward and not owner of ur body...understand???
wah.. it looks like a company illegal gathering more...
muahhaha...!!! will join next time ;P
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